My genuine belief that everyone has a story to tell and they’re just waiting for someone to ask, has kept my curiosity strong and my passion heightened.
But honestly, these “about me” sections are always difficult for me to digest. How do I accurately portray myself in a few words on this platform without seeming boastful or so serious I am lacking personality?
So here’s the long & short of it:
As a young kid, I always thought I’d be one of the first well-known female sports broadcasters. While at WSU, I quickly realized - with the guidance of incredible professors - my skills were better meant for behind the scenes. I’m highly organized, love solving a creative puzzle & know how to direct others efficiently. I also talk really really fast. For as long as I can remember, I have been a consumer of television. Because of this, I understand what others want to see.
I got a job in unscripted TV immediately after graduating college and moved up decently quick in LA because I truly love making television, thrive in the chaos and have always become fully consumed in my work (some may find this to be intense. I get it.).
One of the main reasons I am a great producer is I believe almost nothing is impossible, it’s just a matter of reimagination and communication. Also, I genuinely love talking to people - from the random person at the store to a distant relative, I enjoy small talk or an intense conversation. The smallest conversation can have the greatest impact. End of the day, I really want to make inspirational content which makes a positive difference.
Stay Educated.
Katie V